Hello and good day to all! I am posting a link to You Tube. The video is some Asian dudes singing Summertime from NKOTB (New Kids on the Block). They sing the song with just some ukulele and a Melodica "blow organ". (I had to Google the technical name.) Maybe you have just about had it with NKOTB, maybe you never even cared. OK I understand, maybe. Just give it a listen-it is pretty cool.
My post today features some more Hanna Stamps that I promised you yesterday. I also want to mention that SplitCoast stampers is having a release party tonite for some new images. Check out the site for more info.
Where have all my faithful followers gone? Where have all the sweet comments gone?
Oh yea, you're all probably at the store checking out the Oreo Caksters (hee hee) Enjoy!